Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Light of His Glory

To My Baby Girl,
What is wrong? Why are you crying over that boy? You are a woman! Don't you know the power you possess? For if you did, you would not be crying over some man that don't want you. Instead you should be rejoicing! You should be shouting "Hallelujah!! Thank You Jesus!!" because you were saved from a lifetime of pain. He has hurt you before and you chose to ignore it (cussing you out and degrading you in front of his friend and such). Guys like that should be lucky you even take the time out to acknowledge their very existence.
My daughter, you have the blood of a King running through your veins-The heart of a lion beats within your chest! So why do you shrink for the sake of companionship? Don't you know the extent of the power that rests, rules, and abides within your spirit? You possess the very strength of God! No human being can enter the earth legally without coming through the womb of a woman. Now, if that's not enough to make you shout out in VICTORY, I don't know what else to tell you!
Baby, you are the QUEEN of your own destiny!  Strength is with you, so get up out of bed! Stop depressing yourself and become the Glory of God that you are! No more hiding your goodness with the ways of this world by excessive drinking, fornicating, and lustful imaginations! Allow your light to shine so darkness can flee the light. So, by the next time a man tries to make you feel weak or inadequate by nonacceptance and alienation, you will know that darkness and light have no fellowship. You will begin to thank and praise God instead of wallowing in self pity! God loves you-He is THE King! His love should be enough for you.Allow Him to send the man for you that also SHINES IN THE LIGHT OF HIS GLORY!

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