Saturday, June 30, 2012
Their 'Ideal' Type Of Love
Two friends, Kell and Trina are sitting on a park bench when one of them spot an elderly couple holding hands, Trina says, "Awe, look at that elderly couple!"
-"Where?" Kell says as she looks up searching through the park.
"They must have been together forever! After all those years they are still together. They are holding hands so they must be still in love with each other. That is so cute!" She says as she points toward the couple in matching purple jumpsuit.
- " Maybe.. Maybe not. Nothing is as it seems these days." Kell says as if she is not impressed.
" But look at them. They look so happy so comfortable together. I bet he is the father of all her children. They probably have four children, 3 doctors and one flower child, probably an artist. Judging by their clothing and their jewelry I'd say they are well off!"
"I bet you five dollars that they own a vacation home in Florida! I wish I had their money!"
-"Woman you are trippin'! How did you get all that just by them holding hands?"
" You know what I mean, the type of love that stands the test of time. I wish I had their type of love. The type of love that never worries about infidelities, jealousy, and strife. I wish I was able to trust my man! Hell, I wish I was able to find a man!"
-"I don't know about that friend. You never know what kind of love people have just by looking at them. Who knows, they could be brother and sister and be in some kind of incestual relationship! Back then they believed in that sort of thing, ya know!"
Trina turns and gives Kell a blank stair, " Really?? Is that ALL you can come up with?"
-" Damn Trina, I'm just saying! You are the one talking about you want these people's 'love life' and you don't know one thing about them. You are just conjuring up all kinds of imaginations about these random people! I'm just trying to add some sanity to your INSANITY!"
"Listen, all I'm saying is that I want the type of love my grandparents had. They remained together until they died. You don't see that anymore these days. I want the type of love that Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith have. They are always seen out and about with each other wearing matching outfits! I think that is so cute!"
-" Hold on, Will and Jada?? Don't they have an open marriage or something like that? "
" No Girl! And if they did, if it works why not? Plus they got some talented children! I wish I had kids like that! Girl, I would be broke off something paid! You hear me?"
-" I know Trina, but if you want a relationship or a love like theirs then you would have to actually BE them, and you are not. You are Trina. You can only have Trina's type of love!"
"My type of love sucks! All I have to show for a love life are knuckle-headed ex-boyfriends who cannot remain faithful or they are just plain liars! I want true love! I want their type of love!"
-" And I understand how you feel. But listen, through my life I have learned that there are two types of love, True Love and My Ideal Type of Love."
" I want True Love... DUH!"
-" Well you gonna have to do what it takes to get it! True Love is imperfect but it has an abundance of forgiveness."
" So what's the other one because I've been hurt in the past and I don't know if I'm ready to forgive just yet!"
-" The other type is the Ideal Type, which is where you are right now, its only a figment of our imagination because we have yet to experience true love."
" Well, that sounds good but true love ain't meant for everybody. I don't think its meant for me. You can tell that based on my relationship track record!"
- " How many of your exes have wanted you back, and promised they would do better?"
"What does that have to do with anything? Damn near all of them, so am I suppose to just start dating all of them now?"
-"That's not what I am saying! I am saying that you had the opportunity to experience true love if you were willing to forgive and move forward, that's all! True love is not perfect. Hell, you could be living in true love right now. True love is meant for everyone who wants it. There aren't certain people who are only to have it. I know for a fact the only thing holding you back and holding others back from it is because they either feel that they can't achieve it or that they don't deserve it!"
" Kell, you know me! You know how long I have been trying! I just can't have it! I have just been through too much!"
-" Well you right Trina, You can't have it because you don't want it bad enough to forgive. People who experience true love are the people who are willing to go through the fire! They are people who are willing to be tested and tried! They are people who have overcome their own fears! Love is not easy and it is not without a struggle!"
"Well, I really want true love, but...I don't know." A tear runs down her face as she holds her head down and stares blankly in her lap! "I know what I have to do, but its so hard Kell! Its really hard!"
-"Is it something that you REALLY want?" Kell reaches over to comfort her friend.
Trina nods her head in silence.
-" True love takes time, so you need patience. It takes struggle, so you are going to have to have forgiveness. And you know what else?" Kell dries tears from her friend's eyes.
"What else is there?"
- "True Love needs faith, which is the belief that one day you will have it! Right now we are living our everyday lives as opportunities to show true love. Sometimes we could be experiencing it and not even know it until its gone and we begin to miss it. Who are you missing right now?"
"Girl you know me too well!" They both burst into laughter. "I miss Warren. He has always kept my heart, but I am just too afraid to let him back in, but I know I should at least give it another shot, and out of all my ex-boyfriends he is the only one that still calls to check up on me and tell me he loves and is thinking of me!"
-"Well there you go! Its time you start living the love life of Trina! Girl, I bet none of the relationships you think are so perfect actually are perfect."
"Probably not.."
-" Never desire someone's type of love because you don't know the struggle they go through to maintain it! Their struggle may not work for you because you aren't them! You are Trina, and being Trina poses it's own set of troubles!"
"Girl hush!" Trina laughs out loud as she playfully push Kell of the park bench.
Kell Looks at her watch, -" Oh Girl, come on lets go, we are going to miss our hair appointment!"
As Trina gets up she looks at her phone and notices a missed call. Its Warren. This time, instead of ignoring his phone call, she decides to call him back.